Health, Safety and Wellbeing Campaigns and Activities for 2025

This is an advanced index of external campaigns and events outlined for 2025 to assist in planning any activities and membership engagement in this area. If members wish to take park in any activitie planning, please contact the branch.

Time to Talk Day – 6th February
Over ten years ago, ‘Time to Change’ (the biggest mental wellbeing campaign in the UK) launched
‘Time to Talk Day’, run by the UK charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, with the day raising
awareness of the importance of open conversations around mental health.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – March
March is prostate cancer awareness month. In the UK, about 1 in 8 men are diagnosed with it each
year. For Black men the rate is 1 in 4. If you are a trans woman or are non-binary assigned male at
birth, you also need to be aware of prostate cancer and its symptoms. This cancer mainly affects men
over the age of 50.
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month – April
Bowel cancer, which includes colon and rectal cancer, is one of the most common cancers in the UK. It
is mostly diagnosed in people over 60, but can be diagnosed in younger people. Promoted every year
by Macmillan Cancer Support and Bowel Cancer UK.
Stress Awareness Month – April 2025
This is an annual event that’s been observed since 1992, it serves as a gateway to open up
conversations about stress, signpost people to the right support and help us prioritise our mental health.
It is promoted by numerous organisations and the NHS.
International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) – 28th April
Is an international event that offers a poignant reminder of the preventable nature of workplace
accidents and illnesses, while underscoring the critical need for ongoing efforts to improve workplace
safety. The slogan for the day, “Remember the dead – Fight for the living”, encapsulates both the
solemnity of the occasion and the drive for proactive change. It is a day that unites people in both
remembrance and action, pushing for better safety regulations, increased awareness, and ultimately, a
reduction in workplace fatalities and injuries. IWMD was started back in 1989 by the American
Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
Skin Cancer Awareness Month – May
Skin Cancer Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of the dangers of unprotected sun exposure
and educate the public about the ways to help prevent skin cancer. It is supported by numerous Cancer
support organisations both in the UK and internationally.
World Ovarian Cancer Day – 8th May
Established in 2013 by a group of leaders from ovarian cancer advocacy organisations around the
world. The day aims to raise global awareness about ovarian cancer and acknowledge the suffering of
people with ovarian cancer and the efforts of their families.
No Falls Week – 12th to 16th May
The objective of No Falls Week is to raise awareness about the importance of safe working at height.
Falls from heights are consistently the leading cause of workplace fatalities in the UK.
The latest figures from the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) show that 50 people lost their lives at
work due to a fall from height in 2023/24. The week is organised by the No Falls Foundation which is
the first and only UK-based charity devoted exclusively to the working at height sector.
Mental Health Awareness Week – 12th to 18th May
Is a time to raise awareness about the impact mental health can have on a person’s overall well-being
and share resources that may benefit those struggling with mental health disorders. The Mental Health
Foundation began Mental Health Awareness Week in 2001.
NHS National Blood Donation Week – TBC but normally held in June.
National Blood Donor Week is a week where awareness is raised of the lifesaving importance of blood
donation to encourage those who have never donated to give it a go.
World Environment Day – 5th June
This is celebrated annually and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment.
It is supported by many non-governmental organisations, businesses, and government entities, and
represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment. World Environment
Day was established in 1972.
Men’s Health Week – 9th to 15th June
Men’s Health Week takes place annually during the week leading up to Father’s Day, focusing on raising
awareness about the health challenges men face and encouraging them to prioritise their well-being. It
is an international week celebrated in several countries and started in 2002.
National Clean Air Day – 20th June
Is an annual event designed to focus public and political attention on the problem of air pollution in the
United Kingdom. The event, held since 2017, is promoted by the environmental charity Global Action
Talk To Us Month – July
Organised by the UK Samaritans charity, the month aims to raise awareness about the importance of
mental health and the availability of emotional support and help to reduce feelings of isolation and
Alcohol Awareness Week – 7th to 13th July
Is a dedicated week that aims to raise awareness around the health risks associated with alcohol intake
and to support people in alcohol reduction. Coordinated by Alcohol Change UK, the week raises
awareness and supplies resources to limit the significant harm of alcohol consumption.
Scottish Hazards Conference – TBC but normally held in August
Each year, Scottish Hazards holds a conference to share and discuss relevant workplace occupational
health and safety issues. The conference includes various speakers and experts to share their insight,
research, and experience with a cohort of Health and Safety representatives from across Scotland.
National Financial Awareness Day – 14th August
This day encourages everyone to gain a better understanding of their financial footing so they
can work toward greater financial independence and stability. It is organised by the Money and
Pensions Service as part of a week-long event that encourages people to have open conversations
about money.
NHSBT National Organ Donation Week – TBC but normally held in September
The (NHS Blood and Transplant) Organ Donation Week aims to urge people to register their donation
decision and talk to their families about organ donation, as more than 100,000 lives have been saved
through organ donation in the UK over the last 30 years. (This is now an ‘opt out’ decision and your
organs will be donated automatically unless you have opted out of the system.)
World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September
Established in 2003 with the aim being to reach national organisations, governments and the general
public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented. It is a global event and supported by
many organisations including the UK Samaritans.
Pension Awareness Day – 15th September
This day aims to raise awareness about the importance of planning for retirement and understanding
pension options. It’s an opportunity to educate individuals about the benefits of contributing to a pension
plan. It is supported by several financial organisations and the Department for Works and Pensions.
National Hazards Conference – 5th to 7th September
The Hazards Conference is one of the biggest UK conferences for trade union safety reps and activists.
It consists of a mixture of meetings and a comprehensive workshop programme. Delegates have an
opportunity to exchange experience and information with and learn from safety reps from other unions,
sectors and jobs across the UK.
Gas Safety Week – 9th to 15th September
An annual safety campaign organised by the Gas Safety Register, the UK’s official gas registration
body, that aims to raise awareness about the importance of gas safety both at home and in the
MacMillan Coffee Morning – 27th September
This is an annual fundraising event for people living with cancer and started back in 1990.
World Heart Day – 29th September
The World Heart Foundation organises World Heart Day, an international campaign to inform people
about cardiovascular diseases, which are the biggest cause of death. The day promotes preventative
measures to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In 1999 the World Heart Federation (WHF),
in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO), announced the establishment of World Heart
Menopause Awareness Month – October
Menopause Awareness Month, which is observed throughout October, is dedicated to raising
awareness about menopause and the impact it has on the lives of women. This month-long campaign
aims to educate the public about the physical, emotional, and psychological changes that women
experience during menopause, as well as to promote understanding and support for those going
through this natural stage of life. It began in 2009 and was officially established by the International
Menopause Society (IMS), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Breast Cancer Awareness Month – October
The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women
worldwide. The month features a number of campaigns and programs conducted by groups ranging
from breast cancer advocacy organisations to local community organisations to major retailers.
Stoptober – October
Is an NHS public health campaign that encourages smokers to give up smoking in October, as evidence
shows people are 5 times more likely to quit for good if they can make it to at least 28 days ‘smoke
ADHD Awareness Month – October
A month dedicated to understanding, supporting, and celebrating the unique perspectives and strengths
of individuals with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The UK-based ADHD Aware
organisation alongside the government and other ADHD groups across the world supports the event.
Back Care Awareness Week – 7th to 11th October
Back Care Awareness Week was established by a British charity called “BackCare,” which provides
information and education in an attempt to prevent unnecessary back pain from happening in the first
World Mental Health Day – 10th October
Is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social
stigma. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global
mental health organisation with members and contacts in more than 150 countries.
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day – 15th October
This is an annual day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death, which includes
miscarriages, stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), ectopic pregnancy, termination for
medical reasons, and the death of a newborn. The day serves to promote greater awareness and
support for the estimated 1 in 4 individuals and families whose lives are irrevocably altered by the death
of their children during pregnancy, at birth, and in infancy.
UK National Work Stress Network Conference – TBC but normally held in November
The UK National Work-Stress Network is committed to the eradication of the causes of work-related
stress and associated illnesses. It campaigns to advance this aim through our involvement with the
Hazards Campaign and in conjunction with the TUC, UK trade union structures and European
organisations. The Conference is aimed at Health and Safety Representatives, Trades Union Officials
and Shop Stewards, Human Resources and Health and Safety Specialists and Stress Management
Movember – November
Is an annual event across many countries involving the growing of moustaches during the month
of November to raise awareness of Men’s Health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer,
and men’s suicide. The event originated in Australia in 2003 as an idea of two friends and is now
organised by the Movember Foundation charity.
National Stress Awareness Day – 1st November
Is an annual event held on the first Wednesday in November, and is dedicated to raising awareness
about stress, its impact on mental and physical health, and ways to manage it effectively. It is an
international event sponsored by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA).
Talk Money Week – 3rd to 7th November
Is a national initiative and awareness campaign dedicated to encouraging open conversations about
money and financial well-being. Launched by the Money and Pensions Service in 2020.
Road Safety Week – 17th to 23rd November
Road Safety Week is an annual campaign aimed at promoting safe driving practices and reducing road
traffic accidents and is organised by Brake, a road safety charity in the UK.
National Grief Awareness Week – 1st to 7th December
A period of online events and social media campaigns to raise awareness of grief and the support and
services available for those who feel they would benefit from additional support.
Christmas Jumper Day – 11th December.
Is an annual fundraising campaign for the UK and Ireland organised by charity Save the Children.