On Saturday, March 1st 2025 19:00- 23:30, Strike Map and Oxford & District Trades Council will present an evening to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike. Our branch has donated some money to this event.
This will take place at the Florence Park Community Centre, Cornwallis Road, Oxford. OX4 3NH
There will be a speech from Mike Richards from the NUM and speeches from other activists involved with the strike, followed by songs from the Oxford Sea Green Singers and then the Banner Theatre will perform its ‘Battle Lines Then and Now’ play. The event will end with a social.
The historic miners strike of 1984 was a key moment in working class history. The government’s objective was crystal clear – destroy the most powerful union in the UK and pave the way for the full-scale roll out of neoliberalism
All are welcome, admission is free.
More information and updates can be viewed here on the Oxford & District Trades Council website