BT Personnel – Free sanitary products for female workers whilst attending work.

LTB 106/20 – BT Personnel – Motion 72, Annual Conference 2019

The Union’s Personnel Team has been pursuing with the company the terms of Motion 72 carried at Annual Conference 2019:
“This conference instructs the T&FSE to enter into discussions with BT to establish the ability for their female workers to access free sanitary products whilst attending work”.
We can now report that UK BT, Openreach, EE and Plusnet will benefit from free sanitary products starting in May 2020.  This will include the trial sites Doncaster Call Centre, Leeds Sovereign Street, Open Street Training Centre in Bradford, Bristol Temple Point and Scotland North Cluster.

The launch of this is timed to coincide with International Women’s Day on 8 March 2020.
Hopefully, Branches and members will see this as a positive achievement.