LTB / BT Waste Management in Facility Services

BT Waste Management in Facility Services

The CWU has recently been given a presentation by BT Facility Services regarding some serious issues that have arisen as result of an audit of a number of BT sites where major concerns have been identified at the way that BT have been handling their waste produce.

This issue identified as follows:

– Minor and major waste stream contamination (cables, blue rope, cable drums)

– Fly-typping.

– Lack of awareness of understanding.

– Insufficient security at sites and keeping gates locked.

– Product storage especially in fleet garages.

– Contractors behaviours.

– Clearing cable compounds of waste and drums.

– Pols stacked, management and control.

– Gas bottle management.

As a result a review has taken place amongst key lines of business including BTFS, Openreach, TSO, Supply Chain and BT Fleet.

A number of requirements have been identified and briefed out including more regular inspections of sites to take place in the future to check status, including enhanced incident and reporting and response process. This will be supported by an upgrading of site security and CCTV and the establishment of common standards for supplies, partners and other users of sites.

Lines of Business will be given clearer roles and defined ownership at all levels and a training programme and guidance is in the process of being rolled out.

BT have recently issued a briefing in their Group Read Extra for everyone in Facility Services reminding everyone that correct disposal of waste is everyone’s responsibility and that if you could use waste through work activity then there is a legal responsibility to dispose of that waste correctly. They have also stated that incorrect disposal of waste is in breach of BT’s waste policy and environmental legislation and puts the business at risk

Branches should be aware that any CCTV footage where fly-tipped waste is found on BT property will be used to identify those responsible and if a BT employee is involved could lead to disciplinary action.

Any queries should be addressed to Sally Bridge at