Openreach have approached the CWU in order to begin discussions on possible changes to the number of Saturdays members work in a 12 month period. The changes are principally being sought as a result of changes to care level offerings now offered by the major communication providers (CPs).
Those changes differ geographically dependent on the customer base in that locality.
These discussions will take place in each Region and will be led by the appropriate Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and supported by Branches with members in that geography. These discussions are governed by the Flexible Attendance Patterns Framework (SDT Agreement) specifically the paragraph reproduced below;
“Saturday Working – Where business requirements dictate team members will be required to work Saturdays as part of their normal scheduled working week. The number of Saturdays rostered in any year will not exceed 12, but where there is a genuine business rationale, and following meaningful negotiation and agreement with the appropriate CWU Branch(es), this may rise to a maximum of 18 in any year, using the governance as defined in section 4.2.”
The specific requirement for change, and therefore the level of change, will be discussed with your local CWU Branch Officers and members should contact the Branch Office for the latest information.