19th May – Branch Members Zoom Meeting

BT has just announced profits for the year of over £1.8 billion and a return to dividend payments to shareholders.
Yet they claim a proper, consolidated, pay rise is unaffordable and that compulsory redundancies and downgrading of jobs are necessary.

Your overwhelming support for our union has dragged BT back into talks and forced a pause to compulsory redundancies.

However it is only a pause and if talks do not make progress we will be balloting for industrial action in early June.

Please  join us for a Zoom call on Wednesday 19th of May 7.30pm, with CWU Deputy General Secretary Andy Kerr who is the lead negotiator with BT, for an update on negotiations with BT/Openreach and the strike ballot.
This call will give you an opportunity to hear directly from Andy Kerr, put questions to him and find out about our next steps in the ‘Count Me In‘ Campaign..

Link for call    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81108671487?pwd=VXp0WDM4Rm9zcFVwWUVrVGZsYUR1UT09

Dial in details. Meeting ID: 811 0867 1487. Passcode: 257031
+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom +44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom +44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom

If we stand together, we will win this dispute.