Our Branch Attends the TUC London March – June 2022
The TUC is organising a National Demo on Saturday 18th June in London starting at 12pm, Parliament Square, Westminster, London. SW1P 3BD, with the key message that ‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’.
Saturdays rally is a huge moment not only for the CWU, but the whole trade union movement.
See Map here. And Tube Map here.
The TUC have confirmed the CWU block will be in ‘Area E’ on Portland Place. This will be clearly signposted, and our balloons will be on display early so look for them as well.
The form up will commence at 10:30 until 12:00. CWU speakers will address our block after 11:00.
The march will then set off and make its way to Parliament Square where a mix of General Secretaries, community leaders and frontline workers will speak.
More Details can be found at the TUC Website – SAVE THE DATE: TUC National Demonstration, 18 June 2022 | TUC
The TUC demonstration focuses on the cost of living crisis, something at the heart of our dispute with Openreach, BT and EE. The rally will also call for a new deal for workers in the UK – a campaign led by the CWU.
The timing of this rally coincides with the first weekend of voting in the forthcoming BT Group – wide national industrial action ballot. Alongside our communications and campaigning strategy, we will ensure that the ballot is centre stage in all we are doing on June 18th. Live and recorded footage of the rally will be available for members to help motivate and to deliver the biggest possible yes vote in the ballot.
In short, this demonstration compliments the work we are doing industrially.
It is absolutely crucial the CWU delivers the biggest possible turnout on June 18th and on this basis we ask anyone who wishes to attend and represent the branch, along with their friends and family to contact the branch.
06697-TUC-rally-June-2022Whatever way we turn at the moment, there is growing pressure on our members, their families and workers everywhere and we cannot afford to wait and hope for political change. It now falls upon the trade union movement to come together and defend workers.
Our demands will include proper pay rises in response to the cost of living crisis and end to fire and rehire as part of the overall new deal for workers campaign.
The CWU is committed to delivering our biggest turnout for a rally in our history and we look forward to working with every branch on this project over the next two months.