We wish to start by thanking all of our Reps and members for the incredible commitment you continue to deliver in these disputes. It is truly inspiring to see your strength and determination.

A national strike rally for the Royal Mail Group disputes will be held on Friday 9thDecember at Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3BD from 1pm – 3pm.
It is vitally important as many postal workers as possible attend the event, along with family and friends. We need the greatest numbers ever to demonstrate our anger at the way our members are being treated by Royal Mail Group. We need you there in your thousands.
There has been a hugely positive reaction from members since the announcement of the rally earlier this week. It is now crucial that every single Branch provides transport for and supports the attendance of as many members as possible. We need thousands of postal workers in London, supporting the demand for the resignation of the CEO whilst demonstrating continued support for the union.We also recognise the importance of maintaining picket line strength. On this basis, every picket line in the UK will still need a strong presence. We appreciate this will stretch our resources; however, it is important that both the rally and the picket lines are well attended.
Our Regional Secretaries are being asked to oversee Branch mobilisation, including the booking of coaches, trains, minibuses, and other methods of travel.We have the potential to deliver the biggest strike day rally in our history. We also ask that as many members as possible come to London in uniform so we can create a sea of red outside the iconic Parliament buildings.
Whilst we will do everything possible to resolve our disputes through negotiation, supporting the rally and maintaining picket lines must be the priority commitment for all Branches, Reps and members.
Build the support, book the transport and together we will make this a historic day for our union and one which will help us win this