CWU – BT Consumer Live Event – 4th May 2021

Tuesday 4th May 2021 – 18:30 – Live session for BT Consumer members.

We will be live tonight at 6:30pm with a session for our BT Consumer members. As usual, you can simply visit the CWU Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels at the time of the event of via the direct link below.
Please tune in and join us.

Tuesday 27th April 2021 – 18:30 – A live session for EE members.

Thursday 8th April 2021 – A Question and Answers for Openreach members on the Industrial Action Ballot.

Wednesday 24th March 2021 – Andy Kerr and President Karen Rose gave an update members on the Count Me In campaign and National Ballot.

No fewer than 14,000 tuned in to this special CWU Facebook Live session across all the union’s social media channels, a record breaking real-time viewing figure which has continued to grow throughout today with catch-up views.

Poignantly the Facebook Live broadcast took place at the end of the tenth day of industrial action by the unions small but fiercely loyal membership of Repayment Project Engineers (RPEs) in Openreach – themselves fighting against that division’s steadfast refusal to listen to genuine workforce concerns about  the imposed regrading of their role.

Thursday 18th March 2021 – Regional Zoom Meeting for all BT/Openreach and EE members at 7:30pm.

Our Eastern Region branches will be holding a video call on Thursday 18th March at 7:30pm for all BT/Openreach and EE members. This is your opportunity to ask your branch officers and representatives from NEC/Head Office, any questions on the forthcoming Industrial Action Ballot. Please make every effort to join.

  • What’s going on?
  • What’s it all about?
  • Why should I vote ‘YES’ for Industrial Action?

Members should have received an email with Zoom meeting details. Not received yours? Please contact one of our Branch Officers here.

Wednesday 24th February 2021 – Mass Solidarity Event via Zoom at 7pm.

As you will be aware, 170 Openreach Repayment Project Engineers will take strike action on Wednesday and Thursday. For many, this will be their first experience of industrial action. We have lots of plans to support them and raise the profile of the dispute. 
One thing we want and need your support on is to let these workers know that although their dispute is small in numbers, it has the support of the whole union and indeed the wider movement.
With this in mind, we are hosting a mass solidarity event via Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday 24th February.

We would like all members to join the call to show solidarity.

Register via this link and the event link and passcode will be sent directly to you –

At the event you will hear from speakers across the CWU and wider movement. This is a fantastic opportunity to show our RPE members that they have the support of every single CWU branch, across both constituencies.

18th February 2021 – Regional Meeting – Members call – Update on Count Me In Campaign.

The Eastern Region, which embraces our branch, will be holding a video meeting 7:00pm on Thursday, February 18th, 2021, for all members, to give an update of the Count Me In Campaign including the Industrial Action planned for the Repayment Project Planners, following their YES vote.
If you haven’t received details with regard to the meeting via email, please contact one of our branch officers.

Ballot Announcement – Thursday 10th December.

Thursday 10th December – 1pm

Live on CWU Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Channels

Direct link YouTube

Direct link Facebook

National Meeting – Wednesday 2nd DecemberConsultative Ballot.

On Wednesday evening at 6pm we will host the final of our Live sessions. We will deliver final ballot messages to our reps and members.
As usual, you can view by visiting the national Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels at 6pm. Alternatively, the direct links are below.



Branch / Regional Zoom Meeting – Wednesday 18th NovemberConsultative Ballot Information.

BT/Openreach want to reshape the company as they see fit and they don’t care whether you are the casualty of this. The union has tried their best to negotiate and represent your interests, but BT refuse to engage.
We need you all to show BT that you will stand up for yourselves.

Please join us on our Zoom call at 7pm on Wednesday 18th November.


to find out why we are asking you to vote yes in our ballot and why we need the support of every member.

Dial in details –    +44 203 481 5237 or   +44 203 481 5240
Meeting ID: 829 4314 6973 , Passcode: 367655

National Meeting – Tuesday 17th NovemberConsultative Ballot Information.

There will be a live session Tuesday 17th November at 7pm for Openreach members. It can be viewed by simply visiting the CWU Facebook, YouTube or Twitter accounts as the session commences.

Alternatively you can click on the direct links below:



Branch Zoom Meetings – Week Commencing Wednesday 4th November.

Wednesday 4th November 6.30pm to 7.30pm

ALL BT AND OPENREACH MEMBERS MEETING with Telecoms and Financial Services Executive Officers, Tracey Fussey and Dave Tee. All BT and Openreach members are invited to join us for this meeting where we will be discussing the Count Me In Campaign and also giving you the opportunity to raise the issues and questions, to both the Branch and our National Team, which are important to you .

Join via online Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 4772 9553 Passcode: 054534

Count Me In National Day of Action – Thursday 5th November – CWU LIVE 08:00

We will be live with Dave Ward, Andy Kerr and Karen Rose from 08:00 onwards. The timetable for a consultative ballot for industrial action will be announced. Read more » All members can watch it live on the CWU YouTube, Twitter and Facebook accounts. See direct links below.


Thursday 5th November – Count Me In National Day of Action – 12pm to 2pm

All BT and Openreach Members Drop in Session. This session will be run as an informal drop in for members who would like to find out more or ask a question about the Count Me In campaign

Join via online Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 8853 2239 Passcode: 438945

All Zoom meetings can also be joined by telephone
+44 131 460 1196
+44 203 481 5237
+44 208 080 6591

Monday 26th October 2020 – Facebook Live Event – 18:30

BT Technology members are being consulted on support for industrial action at the present time.
More redundancies are being announced in Global, Enterprise and Group, lines of business along with more off-shoring of work.
BT’s better workplace, Openreach style, just got even worse for employees.
Not only have Openreach now deemed it is acceptable for people to have to travel 90 minutes each way to work but they are now sending out letters threatening people that if they don’t agree to this, they can be disciplined and dismissed. Read more »
Please attend the Facebook Live event, no Facebook account is needed –

Tuesday 20th October – BT TECHNOLOGY FIELD ENGINEERS WEBINAR EVENT – 18:30 – 19:30.

The CWU National Team would like you to attend an event with your national representatives to update all CWU members working in the field on a number of key programmes that we have been in discussion on with senior Technology management.

We would also like to update you on the CWU #CountMeIn campaign and how this affects you.

Members should have received an email invite to the above event, if not please contact one of our branch officers – Contacts.

Tuesday 22nd September 2020 – Facebook Live Event – 18:30

Members have been contacting the branch over the last couple of weeks to ask what is the CWU doing about the various challenges we are facing in BT right now.
So to get an up to date picture and to ask questions of your national representatives we urge you to join our Facebook live call, details below.

CWU Facebook Page / CWU Twitter Account / CWU YouTube channel


Following negotiations with the company on Technology Transformation, please see here CWU web story providing an update on the current situation. 
The CWU BT Technology National Team are arranging a Webinar to update all our members on the Technology Transformation.

All Technology members should have received their own registration link.

Tuesday 25th August – CWU BT Technology Update Zoom Call – 18:30.

The CWU BT Technology National Team are arranging a Zoom meeting to update members in Technology on the compulsory redundancy situation. The  Zoom webinar will commence at 6:30pm and run until 8pm.

Thursday 13th August – CWU BT Technology Update Zoom Call – 18:30.

The CWU BT Technology National Team are arranging a Zoom meeting to update all our members in Technology on the compulsory redundancy situation. Register in advance for this meeting – here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

As you know BT Technology have so far made two announcements where people are at-risk of compulsory redundancy with 186 people so far, affected. These are without doubt very troubling times for our members and their families.

The CWU have been in intense discussions with the company for some weeks on this issue and have relentlessly urged the company to consider a wider voluntary approach, but this has been repeatedly rejected as management want to decide who stays and who leaves.
We have exhausted the formal disagreement process and so we find ourselves nearing a trade dispute situation which none of us wanted.

Some parts of the business are not impacted e.g. Engineering Services, but almost every other aspect could be affected as more technological changes occur and automation effectively ceases more roles. Then there is the ‘Better Workplace Programme’ which we know will see vast areas of the country with no desk based Technology members at all with none in Scotland or Wales.
The CWU national team believe that because of the age profile of the workforce and average length of service that some may wish to leave the company on a voluntary basis but on the compulsory package terms. We believe your preferences should not be ignored.


The CWU are hosting an online webinar to discuss the announcement from BT on 28th July regarding those members who at risk of redundancy. If you haven’t received your personal invite, please contact a branch officer – Contacts

Wednesday 22nd July 2020 – BT Technology Call – 18:00

Following Technology Compulsory Redundancies – See here

See below for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube details.

CWU Facebook Page / CWU Twitter Account / CWU YouTube channel


Our Branch held a constructive and informative Zoom video event for our Desk Based Members on Thursday 16th July 2020 at 19:30 with Julia Upton and officers from the branch.
Invites were sent to around 250 members and 49 people were on the call, so for our first call a good turn out.
It was emphasised that the Union will continue to negotiate, but it may certainty need joint action from our members.
As was elegantly pointed out by Fiona Curtis, CWU Openreach NT Young Worker, “our the Union is not just the reps, but you the members.”


Tuesday 14th July at 6pm, we have a Live session for all BT Group members where we will launch a major new campaign. It is absolutely critical that as many members, branches, and representatives as possible tune in.

We will be setting out the aims of the campaign as well as clearly laying out the role of our branches and members in making it a success.

There are three ways for CWU members to view and engage with the session:

1. CWU Facebook Page 

2. CWU Twitter Account

3. CWU YouTube channel 

It is vital that this information reaches as many members as possible so please share the above via email, text, whatsapp and social media.


CWU Facebook Page –

Please be advised of the next two Facebook live sessions.
Please join and share as widely as possible to your members so that they can watch and submit their questions.

There is also a meme on facebook for the first session which you can retweet at:

Monday 29th June 2020

6pm – Facebook Live Session – Telecoms and Financial Services discussion Dave Ward, Andy Kerr and Karen Rose

You watch the replay and view the comments here