The following amendments to Branch Bye-Laws have been received.

1. Proposal to add two new posts, under present Branch Bye-Law Rule 2, as follows –

I, Deputy Assistant Secretary Health, Safety & Environment Co-ord.
II, Assistant Finance Secretary.

2. Proposal to rename the position of Equality Officer to Equality & Diversity Officer.

Branch Model Constitution, Rule 4.4.2 – Branch Organisation – presently reads Equality Officer.

3. Proposal to change Branch Bye-Law Rule 16 a) Branch Welfare Fund as follows –

a) Welfare Fund trustees shall consist of the Branch Financial Secretary, welfare co-ordinator plus three other members of the Branch Committee.

Existing Rule 16 a) reads – a) Welfare Fund trustees shall consist of the Branch Financial Secretary, welfare co-ordinator plus two other members of the Branch.

4. Proposal to change Branch Bye-Law 16 b) Branch Welfare Fund as follows –

b) The Welfare trustees shall have the authority to make payments from the fund subject to the following criteria.
i. Eligibility for a welfare loan would require an individual to be a fully paid up member of the branch for a minimum of 6 consecutive months.
ii. A maximum of £500 will be paid should a request be granted by a majority decision of the welfare trustees.
iii. A member may only receive a maximum of 2 welfare loans should they be granted. In exceptional circumstances this may be increased only with the unanimous agreement of the welfare trustees.

Existing Rule 16 b) reads – b) The Welfare Fund Trustees shall have the authority to make payments from the fund subject to a maximum of £500 being paid to any individual member on any one visit. Decisions will be made on a majority basis.