Protect the Right to Strike

See below for the details of the National Demonstration that is to be held in Cheltenham this weekend, Saturday 27th January 2024 at midday.
It is the anniversary of the GCHQ TU Officials Dismissals and our UK Trade Unions demonstration to protect our right to strike against the Tory Government attacks on rights as trade unions to stop us protecting our workforces and allowing them to dictate and run roughshod through our basic rights at work.

As you will be aware our General Secretary, Dave Ward, on the Zoom call to all Branches last Friday has asked branches to make every effort by any means possible to attend the Demonstration and Rally even if it means extra days in Cheltenham to avoid the ASLEF strikes that will affect travel.

This Demonstration and Rally are about what we stand for as individual trade unionists, Trade Unions, Branches, and representatives of these. Without stopping the Tory attacks, our jobs in protecting our members and ensuring a decent world of work for working people is very difficult.

Any branch member who wishes to attend, please get in touch via the branch contacts in line with our General Secretary’s request that we make every effort to attend. We will have a branded trade union pitch and the comms department will be bringing along our union’s merchandise. Branches are requested to bring their banners or branch flags where possible to the demonstration.
